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Camilla Constance
Camilla Constance
Camilla Constance
Camilla Constance

3 min read
Are Lesbian Vaginas Different to Straight Vaginas?
This was a question I had never thought to ask but found answered for me the other day by Google. Genuinely, I stumbled across a whole...

4 min read
Reclaiming our Breasts
When my breasts started developing I spent hours every week in the bath trying to flatten them (it didn’t work). I saw them as a very...

4 min read
Magical Pillow Talk
Every human being wants to feel safe, to feel loved and to belong. These are such basic, fundamental, human needs that it is impossible...

4 min read
"When I Get That Feeling I Want Sexual Healing"
“And when I get that feeling, I want sexual healing…..” Lyrics from Marvin Gaye’s “Sexual Healing” released in 1982 when I was 12. No...

4 min read
How Do We Teach Our Men to be Lovers?
Women’s sexuality has been misappropriated for centuries. We barely have a concept of our sexuality beyond how it pleases men. It doesn’t...

3 min read
Are You Happy Being a Robot?
We are not robots! And yet we too often treat our bodies like machines. As humans we have been conditioned out of honouring, loving and...

3 min read
An Artful Lover is like an Orchestral Conductor
People tend to make contact with me because they are looking for ways to improve their sex lives. We all want better sex - we all want to...

3 min read
Enrich Your Sexual Experience with the Power of Breath
Because we are so conditioned to separate from our bodies and live our lives in our heads many of us struggle to experience sexual...

3 min read
Don’t Call me a “Dirty Slut”
I have experienced men calling me their “Dirty Whore” or “Slut” during wild and abandoned sex and it always makes me really mad. It does...

4 min read
Why Just "Cum" When You Could Orgasm?
Male ejaculation is an obsession in the standard model of sex. The model of sex we all know and have been raised on is completely fixated...

4 min read
Cunt - Most Offensive or Most Powerful Word in the English Language?
When my oldest son was about 7 or 8 his very best friend came to spend the night. A few days later he asked me a question, “Mummy, what...

4 min read
Great Sexual Chemistry - It’s all in The Eyes!
For us to have open-hearted, exciting, blissful sexual experiences, we need to be experiencing sex in a place of deep intimacy. Intimacy...

4 min read
“I feel like I have a really special secret!!!!”
Do you have a sense that sex could be better? That sex could be more fulfilling, more connecting, more joyful? That maybe you are missing...

3 min read
The Joy of Soft Cock
However much we enjoy deep, hard penetration, it is almost never without deep sensuality, gentleness and sensitivity. We need time for...

3 min read
There is Nothing More Beautiful Than Divine Masculine Released
I hear the term “toxic masculine” a lot. And I think there is a lot of what I would term toxic masculine energy on the planet right now....

2 min read
The Power of Connection is in Your Hands
Don’t we all want a deeper connection during sex? Maybe you feel that sex is a bit devoid of emotion or you don't feel deeply connected...

3 min read
Be Honest, Do You LOVE His Balls?
Do you want to give your man the most beautiful empowering treat that is going to completely enhance him? Grow his love and acceptance...

2 min read
Do THIS for More Sensational Sex!
Do you yearn to experience sex that feels deeper & more connected? Sex that you enjoy more, that you feel more, that is more orgasmic?...

3 min read
What us Experts Don’t Actually Want You to Know
Our relationships have huge potential to be containers for healing. Because of our conditioning and the way we have been raised with so...

2 min read
Relight Your Man With Your Hands
I will admit that I am slightly obsessed about the magical power ALL women have to initiate their men into the joy of full bodied...
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